Click HERE to visit "Nintendo's" website!
Hello everyone and welcome back to "Clover Comics Gazette"! Today's post comes from a subject that is close to my heart and that would be Nintendo. Born in 1984 my gaming heart will always remember the great years of dominance had by Nintendo; NES, SNES, Nintendo 64! However, Nintendo needs to do something quickly or it will be over quicker than it started.
Here is the problem, Nintendo had the market cornered for a more realistic game experience, but they didn't do enough with it to stave off similar products that are being produced by both Sony and Microsoft. With Microsofts's "Project Natal" and Sony Playstation's "Move" on the way Nintendo is about to be in the ring with the heavyweights and they haven't even boxed one round.
My personal feeling about "Nintendo" is that they spent so many years on the top of the mountain with basically no competition, that when the time came that gaming became more main stream and competition was at every corner, "Nintendo" just did not know what to do to compete and unfortunately it seems like they never will. For me the experience is totally different for "Nintendo" than I would have with either "360" or "PS3"; unfortunately for "Nintendo" gaming isn't at the point of popularity to seperate the two experiences. I think as long as they can't be seperated "Nintendo" will always be the "Red Headed Step-Child" of the group.
Click HERE to read an article about the "Playstation Move"
Great video of "Playstation's Move"!
With "Playstation's Move" it will be more of a similar experience to the "Wii" with two controllers for either hand, however "Playstation" is taking an extra step and making the controllers blue tooth, so no more annoying cords in the way, which I think already is a huge selling point for this "Wii Killer".
Click HERE to read an article about "Microsoft's Project Natal"
Pretty cool video of "Project Natal"!
Next, with "Microsoft's: Project Natal" they take a great step away from both "Nintendo" and "Sony" in the fact that no control will be needed. So, basically will use a camera to sense all of your moves and functions and have completely hands free gaming. Now if "Microsoft" can do this and do it well without too many problems right out of the gate, it could revolutionize gaming forever!
Now, we have the big kicker for both "Sony" and "Microsoft" over "Nintendo" and that is the type of games that can be produced. "Nintendo" is known for being a kids console, nothing wrong with that, except that systems like "Playstation" and "X-Box" can make games for any age, it really doesn't matter. For "Nintendo" to have a chance in this console war that they are losing is to try to expand there "Niche" in the video game business and I have a suggestion.
"Nintendo", I want to pull for you to do well! I still remember my sisters making me leave the room so they could fight "Bowser" without me being annoying, on the original "NES". I want you to do well, but it seems that you have become o so comfortable with being third that you've lost that passion for greatness somewhere along the way.
"Super Mario Brothers Wii" video, NUFF SAID!

Trailer for "Metroid: Other M": Hell Yeah!
Next, you should remember that you are "Nintendo"! The gaming industry would be nothing today if it wasn't for you. No matter what technology comes about, you are still the building blocks of the entire gaming industry, USE THAT! Classic gaming is bigger than ever and especially with the age range for gamers constantly growing, you need to make the "Wii" the "Classic Gamer's Console". Use your library of games from the "NES", "SNES", "N64", and all "Gameboys" to fuel your business. Make your online more easily accessed and more fluent, make all of your titles available, put a decent price point for the classics, and make people remember why you="Nintendo" were the kings for so long!

"Nintendo" please listen to me, there is still time to dig yourselves out of this hole. "Sony" and "Microsoft" are right on your tails, but all new hardware has issues and if you can turn it around before then, you may get yourselves back in the fight! These are only my opinions, but if you take what people think are your weaknesses and turn them into positives you can do great things.
Let's Go "Nintendo"! Fight Back! If your not first your last!
Those are my opinions and I would love to hear yours, please follow me on twitter: @CloverComics or click HERE to visit my Facebook page. Also you can email me at! I hope to hear from everyone soon!
From the desk of
"Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:
"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!
P.S. Want a "Wii" and can't afford full price click "Amazon" HERE or "Ebay" HERE to find "Nintendo: Wii" at a cheaper price!
P.S. Want a "Wii" and can't afford full price click "Amazon" HERE or "Ebay" HERE to find "Nintendo: Wii" at a cheaper price!
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