Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Comic Book Reviews for the Wednesday of March 17, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome back to "The Clover Comics Gazette" it's your boy, DJ Under Pressure, back to review the titles for my pull list on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. Hope everyone is having a great St. Patrick's Day and enjoys some green beer for me! So without further ado, here are my reviews!

"Azrael #6"
Please visit Ebay if you would like to own "Azrael #6", just click on the picture above!

Is the new "Azrael" doomed already? A book which chronicles the life of past "Azraels" seems to say so. A code appearing in the lines of the book will reveal the true enemy of "Azrael" and what to do to stop them. Will this armor be a curse or a gift to the new "Azrael"? Only time will tell!

This book does not cease to impress me, especially as a newer reincarnation of "Azrael". Though I knew of "Azrael" it is with open arms that I read about a character with such a rich history and back story. I think the fact that a simple civilian is chose to wear the enchanted armor of "Azrael", I'm not a huge fan of super powers or genetic mutations, however if you put the powers into an object it makes the story much better for myself! Also news to me as I looked at the credits on the book is the fact that along with Denny O'Neil, Marvel Editor-In-Chief, Joe Quesada created the character of "Azrael". I got to meet Mr. Quesada at a comic book convention a couple of years ago and he was super nice and willing to sign for everyone. He was really a class act!

The story written by Fabian Nicieza is simply brilliant. I love the way the story is made to come to life even while the new "Azrael" simply reads from a book about his armor's history. The story is definitely complimented by excellent visuals by Ramon Bachs and John Stanisci, who make the book feel more like a "Knights of the Round Table" esque cartoon, that comes to life with their art.

This is a great comic book to pick up and the story is done so well that it is easy to pick up and enjoy even in issue number 6. So go pick it up and enjoy this great story. 

4 out of 5 Stars! 
If you would like more information about writer Fabian Nicieza please visit his wikipedia page HERE! 
Also find out more about "Marvel" editor and chief Joe Quesada please follow him on twitter @JoeQuesada or on Facebook HERE!

Trailer for "DCUniverse: Online" being worked on by legend illustrator "Jim Lee", hoping to be released in 2010!

"Batman #697"
If you would like to own "Batman #697" find it on ebay by clicking the picture above!
The Black Mask is back, but who has taken over as the skulls host? What do "The Reaper", "Dr. Death", and "The Black Mask" have in common with a character of the last name "Arkham"? Dick Grayson still controls the cowl, and wants to do the right thing, but is he? All of this answered in "Batman #697"

The story is just simply well done by Tony Daniel who breaks a stereotype that I have by both being the artist and the writer in the same book. To deal with Dick Grayson as "Batman" while writing a story that will keep fans faithful to "The Batman's" lore, is done perfectly. Tony Daniel's Cover art as well as the inside of the book are done excellently. The cover itself does a perfect job telling the story without a word, while picturing "Batman" with "The Black Mask" in his hands.

Being a huge "Batman" fan over everything else it makes me nervous with Dick Grayson wearing the Cowl with an artist/writer in Tony Daniel who has worked for Marvel and is now a recurring author and artist on such a long standing book. However my nerves are calmed, everything about this book, even with Dick Grayson at the helm, screams a great "Batman" story. "Batman's" inner struggle with himself vs the persona vs the villains that make him an icon, is perfectly documented in this book.

This book being part 6 of 6, I would suggest going back and reading parts 1-5 to start out with as the story is kind of heavy with lore at points. Otherwise great book and I can't wait to see what else Tony Daniel has in store for us.

5 out of 5 Stars!
If you would like to learn more about Tony Daniel please visit and subscribe to his blog by clicking the picture below!

Drum Roll PLEASE!

The Pick of the Week is...

"Rise and Fall: The Fall of Green Arrow" aka "Green Arrow #31"
Would you like to own this comic? Please find it on ebay by clicking the picture above!

The "Arrow" is spiraling out of control and the weight of the world is sitting on his shoulders at the same time. "The Green Arrow" has been berated by every friend alike for being selfish. Doesn't a hero deserve to be selfish every once in a while, for giving his life to good? Or is that just the name of the game? The last page reveals someone who believes in "Green Arrow's" motive, but who is she? Just have to read and find out!

"Green Arrow" being probably my second favorite hero, the other being "Batman", it is tough to see him have no other choice then revenge. "Green Arrow" is not so much without passion as he is determined to figure out what will work to help "Star City", cause the safe route of putting the bad guys in jail and off the streets is just not getting it done. This situation with being married to "Black Canary" and working with "The Flash" and "Green Lantern" is a perfect example of why "Batman" mostly works alone. No matter what happens in "Green Arrow's" life they will never know how it really is. When  your "Green Arrow" and your friends abandon you and your city is destroyed what other choice do you have then to rebel against being a hero and turning full fledged vigilante?

"Green Arrow" stories are always a joy for me to read and "Green Arrow #31" fits the bill nicely. With this story being spread between many books the writer of "Green Arrow", J.T. Krul along with illustrations by Federico Dallocchio rivals it's predecessors tie-ins. The cover is brilliant foreshadowing of things to come with Ollie head low in shame, with his so-called "friends" judging him from the stained glass in the church.

"Green Arrow's" story is constantly growing and now is a great time to start reading all about him! Also, according to the "DC Nation" page in the back of the comic it is going to be a busy year for the "Emerald Archer", so you better jump on the train before it leaves the station.

Quite easily a: 5 out of 5 Stars!
Learn more about the "Emerald Archer" by clicking the picture below!

Trailer for "Batman: Arkham Asylum 2" hopefully being released in 2010! 

Quite a small week when it comes to the DC books that I love, however a small week allows me to go more indepth with each book. DC always top of the tower for me and I think with "Brightest Day" coming along with "The Return of Bruce Wayne", it is going to be an amazing 2010!

Enjoyed my blog, want to read more, or want to debate my opinions with me, please feel free to email me, follow me on twitter @CCGNerdNews, or fan my page on facebook HERE!

See you next week for more great reviews!
Cool video full of fan art and speculation about "Batman 3" being directed Christopher Nolan, rumored to be out in 2011!
From the desk of
 "The Gotham City Gazette"
this is

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!


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