Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Comic Book Day Reviews for: Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to the "Gotham City Gazette" comic book reviews for the week of March 10, 2010. Lots and lots of great DC books this week and I can't wait to tell you all about them!

"Batgirl" #8 and "Red Robin" #10
Want to read both of these books: Buy "Batgirl" on Ebay Here and "Red Robin" Here!

I'm reviewing both of these books together because they both have crossovers with one another for this month. Red Robin is in Batgirl, Batgirl is in Red Robin, and both stories interact with one another. When you mix Red Robin, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Rhas al Ghul, The League of Assassins, Vicki Vale, Zoanne Fox, and Lucious Fox it makes for a fan service filled story of epic proportions. 

I've always been a fan of Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown together, they always have great chemistry, and it is brought back immediately as they happen upon one another both as different heroes; Tim as "Red Robin" and Stephanie as "Batgirl". I was never a fan of "The Spoiler" so it is a pleasant alternative to see Stephanie Brown drawn so well as "Batgirl" in both books. For the books being drawn by several different artists the work all fits together and is drawn in a similar style which is seamless. 

I also like the fact that in both books it is made so noticeable that Tim Drake is a total pimp, no matter who it is villain or hero Tim Drake just seems to draw the ladies right to him. Though it is made apparent that "Stephanie Brown" is the one for him, or I can hope. 

Great story, great art, great team-up; definitely a buy! I also would love to see a team-up story with one book; "Red Robin and Batgirl" I think a story arc with one book would be great! The covers are fantastic and the story is done brilliantly with lots of known heroes and adversaries! Also a great look ahead at the end of the book with some art from DC's upcoming story arc "Brightest Day"
Together: 5 out of 5 Stars! 
Want to know more about the relationship between Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown? Visit their Wiki HERE!

"Batman: The Widening Gyre" #5 of 6
Buy "Batman Widening Gyre" on Ebay by clicking HERE!

Batman aka Bruce Wayne is out of town and Robin along with new unknown hero "Baphomet"; are able to save the day on several occasions including taking down both "Mr. Freeze" and "The Joker". Could this new hero be ready to help protect Gotham? With a bubble with Bruce saying that he is in love, along with an appearance by "Catwoman", a great story, and Bruce talking of retirement?! This makes for one great book!

The write Kevin Smith is in my opinion at the peak of his story telling ability for the caped crusader! Usually long winded with lots of dialogue this story has just enough to make it great and make you wonder all at the same time. Very sad that this is the 5th of only 6 that he will be doing :( Maybe a series is in the works, I know I can hope. The art by Walter Flanagan and Art Thibert is creative, well done, original, and is just impressive. The cover is amazing a confusing collage that follows the entire story in one page! Definitely a must buy and just a great book! Pick it up today!

5 out of 5 Stars!
Want to know more about Kevin Smith: Fan him on Facebook HERE, follow him on Twitter HERE, or visit his website HERE!

"Batman and Robin" #10
Purchase "Batman and Robin" on Ebay by clicking HERE!

Grant Morrison delivers just like always in this continuing story of the serial killer who is supposedly on his/her way to Gotham after taking out high powered figures all over the globe and it is assumed by "The Gravedigger" that Bruce is next?! Damian is a brat like always, but a brat with major mommy and daddy issues that carry their way to the cover of this book. The story is engaging with lots of unseen rooms in "Wayne Manor", secret passage ways, and clues to find out of Bruce Wayne is really dead or not. Is Bruce leaving clues all over "Wayne Manor" as he is stuck in the past? Only time will tell!

Perfect writing once again by Grant Morrison, the man is definitely a legend for a reason. The art is well done by Andy Clarke and Scott Hanna, with brilliant bright colors and an animated feel with a realness to it. This book is a definite read and buy. Go get it today!

4 out of 5 Stars!
Want to know more about Grant Morrison, please visit his website HERE, or fan him on Facebook by clicking HERE!

Pick of the Week!
Justice League Rise and Fall Special: 1 Shot!
Buy "Justice League: Rise and Fall Special" on Ebay by clicking HERE!

Definitely hard to pick a book for best of the week, this week was great. Though it was easy to decide as this was the last book I read and definitely the best! Of course my favorite hero is Batman but, there are stories that can be written for Green Arrow that you just couldn't write for Batman. Green Arrow has finally cracked because of the destruction of Star City and he is on the war path. Vigilante is an adjective that is earned this week by "Green Arrow". Green Arrow has no interest in capturing bad guys and only has room to kill them! The JL including Flash, Hawkman, Black Canary, Green Lantern, and Batman are all caught in the middle of a hero out for revenge and villains that probably deserve it! "Green Arrow" has already taken two lives in vengeance and will he stop or will he be put to a stop, luckily this story will continue in "The Fall of Green Arrow" #31!

The story by J.T.Krul is amazing and well detailed, especially for a novice to the "Justice League" like myself, so everything made sense. The story is accompanied by the amazing art of Mike Mayhew, Diogenes Neves, and Fabrizio Fiorentino. This is the must have book for this week, don't leave your collection without it!
5 out of 5 Stars
 but that barely does the book justice, no pun intended!

First picture of "The Return of Bruce Wayne"

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my reviews! I know I really enjoy letting people know what books I love to read. I would love to hear what you think, so follow me on twitter @CloverComics and fan my "Clover Comics Gazette" page on Facebook HERE!

From the desk of "The Gotham City Gazette" this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

Have something you want me to blog about email me

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Trailer!

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