Thursday, March 25, 2010

Comic book reviews for Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to the first week of reviews for, the recently name changed, "Clover Comics Gazette". New name, same game, as I review the comics for the Wednesday of March 24, 2010.

"Superman/Batman #70"
If you would like to purchase "Superman/Batman #70" just click on the image above!

If cyborg Superman, energy based villains, and space travel are your idea of a great comic then this is the one for you, if not try to stay far away.

As some of you may know and all of you will know now; that I am not a fan of Superman. Nothing against him, just not my cup of tea. However, I usually appreciate the relationship between Superman and Batman; the differences between having a choice to be a hero and not having a choice. Though in this newest storyline the Superman story takes the lead and unfortunately good story telling is lost to a far-fetched story. Superman is saving the world, while the addition of Batman just feels like a page filler. The art is lack-luster at best and the cover art is just boring. If you don't make it to the comic book store for this one, you won't be missing anything.

"Clover Comics Gazette" gives it:
1 out of 5 Stars!
"Batman: Streets of Gotham #10"
If you would like to purchase "Batman: Streets of Gotham #10" find it on ebay by clicking the picture above!

With interesting back stories of not-well known villain "Zsasz" and wannabe hero "Abuse" along with "Damian" being the central protagonist of the book makes for an odd story that doesn't need to be told.

Penned by, usually, one of my favorite writers "Paul Dini" this story ,whether it be a lead up to a better story or not, just falls far short of anything close to interesting. For anyone who doesn't have a great knowledge of the "Batman" universe this is definitely a skip, even for me the story was just boring. Along with the fact that the "Second Feature: Manhunter" takes up more than half of the book feels more like a cop-out then an actual story to me. Note to the DCU: This second feature stuff, just doesn't work, for $3.99 per book I want a whole story from the title on the front, period!

On a better note the cover art by "Dustin Nguyen" is interesting, well done, and created a better story then the entire book. The visuals inside the book, though boring, are well drawn and gritty. I would say if you subscribe to this book in your pull list, then just enjoy the cover no need to read. However, if you are planning on picking up this book for the first time, just don't, pick something else!

"Clover Comics Gazette" gives it:
2 out of 5 Stars!

"Clover Comics Gazette's" Pick of the Week:

"Rise and Fall: Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal #1"
If you would like to buy "The Rise of Arsenal #1" find it on ebay by clicking the picture above!

Roy Harper aka "Red Arrow" loses three things that he can not live without! With "Green Arrow" already on the war path because of "Prometheus" and the destruction of "Star City"; will "Red Arrow" be next? How will he deal with his losses and will Roy's drug addiction come back to haunt him? Only time will tell but, this story is a must have!

What can I say about "Star City" right now other then as a huge fan of the "Vigilante" style of comic book characters this is the top of the mountain right now. So captivating to see a world where everything isn't solved by non-violence and that even heroes have real life struggles. Feels like this villain "Prometheus" is bound and determined to destroy all of the Justice League and reduce them all to killers instead of heroes. This is easily my top pick for the week and in my opinion the only DC book worth purchasing!

The writing of J.T. Krul coupled with the excellent cover art of legend Greg Horn and illustrated by Geraldo Borges and Marlo Alquiza makes for a flawless book. Stunning full page visuals and a story that just punches you right in the stomach from the on-set. Go to your local comic book store now and make sure you purchase all of the "Rise and Fall" series! Flawless is my word for this book!

5 out of 5 Stars!
Deserves 10 out of 5 Stars!

Want to know more about "The Red Arrow" learn more at "Wikepedia" HERE!
To learn more about the writer J.T.Krul visit his website HERE or follow him on twitter HERE!
To learn more about cover artist Greg Horn you can follow him on twitter HERE or visit his website HERE!

Thanks to everyone for reading, hope you enjoyed your new comic Wednesday, and I will see you back next week for more reviews and news!

Do you want to discuss this weeks comics or tell me about a new book I just have to read? Feel free to email me at, follow me on twitter @CCGNerdNews, or fan me on Facebook HERE!

From the desk of
"The Clover Comics Gazette"

this is:
signing off!

Learn More About: "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" by visiting the website HERE!
Great video provided by "Orlando: Attractions Magazine" with a construction update for "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" due to open at Universal Studios Orlando in June of 2010!

Please visit the "Orlando: Attractions Magazine" website by clicking the photo below:

2 Leave a Comment:

Cover Swipes said...

I agree with you whole heartedly about that Superman/Batman cover. It doesn't do anything for me. I wish Michael Turner would devote his life to Superman, maybe I would be a fan. A crossover between those two is ridiculous at best. Turner knew how to draw the Man of Steel brother!

Dustin said...

Yeah, Michael Turner was an absolute legend and did so many great things for Superman/Batman. He is so missed. RIP MT!