Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Comic book reviews for March 3, 2010

Start out this week with a trailer for Disney's "Prince of Persia" movie coming out in May of 2010!

Hello and welcome to the "Clover Comics Gazette", thank you for taking the time to read my opinions and I would love to hear yours. Again thank you very much for your support and away we......Go!

"Batman: Confidential #42"
want to own this comic without leaving your home? Buy it on ebay by clicking right HERE!

"Batman Confidential" is usually one of my favorite books to read. It's usually light hearted, with cartoon style drawings, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. Unfortunately, #42 in the series leaves me more than unhappy. This book is written and drawn by Sam Kieth and personally I think that the same person drawing and writing is a mistake. Usually, if you have two or more people doing the different elements of the book such as; illustrating the cover, writing the book, and illustrating the inside it makes for a much better product. With one person doing everything it's an all or nothing situation, either you love all of it or you don't. Two or more people can have a story that is great and illustrations that aren't loved and visa versa, but with only one the formula just doesn't work.

The art for me is so lack luster and not anything that I would want drawn for me that it really just ruins and ok story. It's interesting story is dumbed down by un-inspired drawings and just a selfish book for Sam Kieth to do what he likes.

I'm a collector of "Batman: Confidential" so if you are as well I would pick it up, but just bag it and board it and put it away. I want my simple funny comic book back and I would be fine with no more Sam Kieth work.
1 out of 5 Stars!

"First Wave #1"
want this book for your collection? Buy it on Ebay by clicking right HERE!

What do you get when  you take three heroes who are so totally different and so totally awesome and throw them together with an interesting jumping off point? You get a very good comic that you should definitely check out. Batman, Doc Savage, and The Spirit; I doubt that I need to say more!

The first book in a series has got to be really difficult to write and illustrate, to be able to capture old fans and new fans with out irratating either group. Myself I know alot about Batman but, I haven't read anything from Doc Savage or The Spirit; but the book itself made me want to learn.

"First Wave #1" has just enough backstory to intrique a new audience, but not too much to where the hardcore fanboy will get bored. Though the Dark Knight is not in this first issue he makes it onto the cover and is eluded to several times during the book.

The art itself is well done and has more of a real feeling to it, which usually I'm not a huge fan of, but it is done well in this book. The story itself is a great starting point, unfortunately with new team-ups the characters are still disconnected from one another and that will probably take several issues to correct.

Overall a great book, definitely pick this one up, read it, and add it to your pull list!
4 out of 5 Stars!

"Batwoman: Detective Comics #862
does this book need to be yours? Buy on Ebay by clicking right HERE!

With Batman, Batwoman, and an insane serial killer, it's definitely pretty hard to go wrong! The cover is absolutely brilliant art and it is followed by a great looking book as well. I think Batwoman is being drawn better than ever and it's really interesting for me for both Batman and Batwoman to be in the same book, and it works!

The story has some great twists, turns, and the book expects you to try to keep up, So Concentrate while you read! Lots of different angles in this book and alot of parts to keep up with. Though really a joy to read! This book is the second part in a three part story arc, so I suggest also buying part one to fill in some blanks before starting on part 2.

Great book, extremely interesting, great visuals, definitely a buy!
4 out of 5 Stars

Pick of the Week!
"JSA: Allstars #4"
do you want to start reading a new story? Buy this book from Ebay by clicking HERE!

My pick of the week is "JSA: Allstars #4" because it has great elements, artistry, and story to make you mad that you have to wait for the next one. Lots of heroes, lots of villains, and one pissed off monster, GOTTA LOVE IT!

I'm a huge Batman fan and I admit to being a noob about everyone in the DCU, so definitely a sensory overload for me of characters that I'm unfamiliar with. With that said the writing does a great job of not weighing down the story with back story, it isn't a chore not know who everyone is, it's a joy to not have to know to be able to follow the story. I'm interested in learning about everyone while following an ongoing story.

My main reason for picking up this book for the first time is because one of my favorite artists, Freddie E. Williams II, is working on this book. The visuals are so amazing that even with out the text bubbles the story is easy to follow. I fell in love with this art style while Freddie was working on "Robin" and "Flash" and just stuck to it. I've met Frieddie a couple of times and I think meeting someone who is so awesome at what they do and as a human being makes it so much easier to love the work. So I suggest typing his name into wikipedia and ebay and find some of his work!

Freddie does a great job of giving double page, full page, half page, and quarter page photos that come to life! Definitely expect several big drawings in his book that you could spend hours looking at and still not see everything. I think this form of huge pictures compared to mass amounts of frames is an artform that is really lost and Freddie makes it easy to want that artform back in more books.

Interesting story, easy to read, easy to pick up, stunning visuals, and a book that I'm really looking forward to reading more of!
5 out of 5 Stars!

If you would like to see more Freddie E. Williams II work you could visit his website HERE or follow him on twitter HERE!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog, I will be back next Wednesday with another batch of reviews. I would love to hear from you via a comment, an email, a tweet, or a facebook comment. So hit me up tell me what you thought!

From the desk of the "Clover Comics Gazette"
This is
 "The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

You can follow me on twitter by clicking @CloverComics or fan the "Clover Comics" facebook page by clicking HERE!

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