Monday, March 1, 2010

The Switch to "Gamefly"

Check out "Gamefly" by clicking HERE!

Ok, now the gamer I was in high school is obviously not the gamer than I am today. I say that as a sad note because being a casual gamer absolutely sucks! I live in a perfect gamer world, gaming has grown with me as I've gotten older. When I was a kid gaming wasn't that much for adults, but as I grew gaming grew with me and now that I am an adult; gaming is for adults. Unfortunately, something in my mind keeps me from taking time to put in an appropriate amount of time for gaming. What the hell is wrong with me I have no idea, however one thing makes me game and that is a CHALLENGE!

Trailer for "God of War: 3" being released this month!

Pre-order "God of War: 3" from Gamestop by clicking HERE!
Now this will definitely show me as a horrible slacker when it comes to playing awesome games, but I have to tell the story to get to my point. A couple of months ago my brother-in-law Jason had challenged me to beat both Halo 2 and Halo 3 in a week 7 days because I had been putting off beating both of those awesome games for an extended amount of time. So needless to say I was bound and determined to beat those games in the alotted amount of time and I did. My passion for gaming isn't lost, it just needs a kick start!

So, here is my plan: I need to challenge myself and I think the best way to do that is: 1. In Writing right here in my blog and 2. With a time limit and a monthly charge. So first in writing I say that I am going to defeat all the games in my library, sign up for gamefly, and commit to only buying certain games during the year.

For those  of you who don't know "Gamefly" is a service similar to to "Netflix" where by you rent games, they are mailed to you, keep them as long as you want, and return them whenever as long as you pay the monthly fee. Though I haven't been a supporter of "Gamefly" in the past I'm now starting to see where $15 bucks a month is much less than $60 a month and played right can be one hell of a deal!
Subscribe to "Netflix" by clicking HERE!
So, Gamefly it will be $15.00 a month to rent one game at a time and a built in challenge to beat the games as fast as possible to be able to get another game. Perfect, I think.My problem is that I hate being the person who has a million hobbies and doesn't give any of them up, but also doesn't apply enough time to any of them to be great. I think I have my hobbies narrowed down enough to apply myself in all of them, I just need to get dedicated and get shit done. So here goes!

So, $15 a month, which will equal out to $180 dollars a year, compared to probably getting one game a month at $60 a pop which equals $720 dollars a year, holy crap that is alot of money! Now, I know what you may be thinking, what happens with rpgs, sports, and fighters, those are so replayable that $60 seems like a good price, which is a great point. So I've narrowed it down to what games I will definitely buy for the year: 1 College Football, 1 NBA Basketball, 1 Fighter, 1 RPG; and of course any multiplayer games that my friends might want to play on such as Halo: Reach.

Now I'm a sucker for a special edition of the games and strategy guides I think they are super cool, totally worthless, but o so cool, S0..... with only 4 must have titles per year that will make cap room for special editions and strategy guides.

Trailer for "Halo: Reach" coming out sometime in 2010!

Now with all of this said, I have got to get to work!

From the desk of "The Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

Follow "Clover Comics" and the "Gotham City Gazette" on Twitter by clicking @CloverComics
or by fanning "Clover Comics" on facebook HERE!

P.S. This blog is brought to you by an awesome girlfriend who supports all of my hobbies. "Work to live, don't live to work!" "Have fun in life cause I'm sure no matter what happens you won't get out of it alive!"

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