Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Comic Book Reviews for Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome back to "The Clover Comic's Gazette". Today we will be reviewing three titles from the new comic book day of: Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Thank you so much for reading and away we GO!

"Justice League of America: Rise and Fall: #43"
If you would like to own "Justice League of America #43" find it on ebay by clicking the photo above!

Another tie-in for "Rise and Fall" a story-arc that I am thoroughly enjoying! Is Batman the only one who can understand why Green Arrow is on a killing spree? Does the rest of the JLA falter for not having that killer instinct? Prometheus seems to be unstoppable and even with new allies and the numbers on the JLA's side it does not seem to be enough. This worm hole gets deeper and deeper and with the addition of the multi-verse coming in to play, hard to tell what will happen next!

Though I am not thoroughly versed in the history of the JLA or of the multi-verse, the storyline that is being written for the "Green Arrow" right now simply pulls me in and makes me want to learn. So nice to see "Batman" and "Green Arrow" relating to one another and "Batman" seems to be the only one who understands the path that "Green Arrow" is on. The mass amount of characters are not over-bearing and the story curves but not at an angle that is un-readable. James Robinson adds his take to the "Rise and Fall" story line along with impressive visuals by Mark Bagley, Rob Hunter, and Norm Rapmund this is definitely a book to check out. The cover art by Bagley and Hunter is interesting and stunning to go along with lots of full page, busy, art work inside. Pick this one up today!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5 Stars!
Learn more about writer James Robinson by following him on twitter @JamesDRobinson
Learn more about illustrator Mark Bagley by becoming a fan on Facebook HERE!

"Gotham City Sirens #10"
Do you need "Gotham City Sirens #10" buy it from Ebay by clicking the photo above!
"The Riddler" is stuck between a rock and a hard place and the ladies of "Gotham City" are the only ones who can get him out of trouble. The problem is, is that they are the ones who got him into trouble in the first place. Who has "The Riddler" captive, will the "Sirens" rescue their "Friend", and are the "Sirens" going to be able to prove themselves innocent? All will be answered in "Gotham City Sirens #10".

Though I am a huge fan of Paul Dini's story telling, in "Gotham City Sirens" I'm more of a fan of the great visuals of Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. This time around though Paul Dini's writing is right on point, by telling a great story in two issues, while leaving alot to be desired. The cover art by Guillem March is extraordinary and interesting. The story leaves questions like: "how evil is Catwoman, or is she?" and "how long can The Riddler stay on the straight and narrow?" I would say definitely check out #9 to start off the story and also read my review of that book featured several blogs ago to get up to speed. Then definitely go buy this book and check it out!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

3 out of 5 Stars!
Find out more about cover artist Guillem March by following his blog found HERE!

Awesome look at "Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands" which you can pre-order now from "Gamestop" by clicking the photo below:


"Batwoman: Detective Comics #863"
If you want to know how this tale ends purchase this book from Ebay by clicking the picture above!

Two sides of the same story, one from the Batman and one from Batwoman. The Cutter is on the loose still and who has the right formula to stop him?! The heroes need to stop The Cutter before any other girls are mutilated and only a couple of people can come out of the experience unscathed. Which formula works out and who is this the new hero on the side of good? Find out in "Detective Comics #863"

Let me say that it is extremely hard to think of Detective Comics without Bruce Wayne, however with Kathy Kane in the role of Batwoman and a new villain to fight, the stories are definitely holding their heads above water. The art style of this book from the cover by J.H. Williams III and the inside are by Jock and Scott Kollins are done perfectly. The use of the colors Blue=Batman and Red=Batwoman are extremely good tools used to tell two sides to a parrallel story. Greg Rucka's writing also helps to hold some weight with an interesting villain and tons of story curves to keep you guessing.

"Batwoman Detective Comics" just recently received the "Outstanding Comic Book Series" award from "Glaad" for portraying Batwoman, aka Kathy Kane, as a strong gay hero. The stories don't dwell on that and bring an interesting dynamic. Great series right now even without Bruce. Definitely pick this book up along with #861 and #862 to get the whole story.

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5 Stars!
To learn more about the "Glaad" award that "Batwoman Detective Comics" won, just click here:

Very, very thankful that this weeks comics were so much better than last weeks. With "Brightest Day" and "The Return of Bruce Wayne" on the way I think DC is going to have a great year! With so many new series' going on since the beginning of the new year it is nice to see those new books start to stand their own ground!

For those of you who take the time to read this blog, thank you so much. I keep working hard every week to make things better. Better reviews, more content, more videos, and I've barely just got started!

If you have an idea for "The Clover Comics Gazette", I would love to hear it! Please feel free to email me at, follow me on Twitter @CCGNerdNews, or fan me on Facebook by clicking HERE!

Thanks again for reading and I will be back next Wednesday with more reviews and news!

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