Friday, November 20, 2009

My rededication to video games

From the time I was just a little tot watching my sister's play Super Mario Brothers on a 13'' television in the laundry room of our trailer I have been a huge fan of video games. Then all the way through my teenage years I was addicted to video games and even though I lived on a farm and worked long hours I still made plenty of time to beat a good amount of games. From Resident Evil to Final Fantasy VII I consistently made video games a priority in my life. Video Games were something fun that was just good, made you feel good, and were just a good release. Unfortunately, even though  have both a PS3 and an X-box 360, each with a plethora of games, I have made slim to none amount of time to sit down and enjoy them. That needs to stop! I have to rededicate time to playing games and taking a little time to just relax and only worry about having fun. So my promise to myself is this: that I will put aside several hours every week to sit, relax, and game. Just enjoy playing the game and forget about everything else. So over the next few months I promise to beat:

Click on the link to buy "Bioshock" from or Gamestop

"Far Cry 2"
Click the link to buy "Far Cry 2" from or Gamestop

"Resident Evil 5"
Click the link to buy "Resident Evil: 5" from or Gamestop

Click the link to buy "Ghostbusters" from or Gamestop

"Assassin's Creed 2"
Click on the link to buy "Assassin's Creed 2" from or Gamestop

"Uncharted 2"
Click the link to buy "Uncharted 2" from or Gamestop

All games that I am lucky to have in my collection and need to devote the time to beating them. I like to pride myself on being on the nerdier side of the gammit, getting high on life instead of anything else. So I need to practice what I preach. I know I'm not the only adult with this problem so I encourage everyone to get out their dusty controllers and get to work!For any and all teenagers reading this, GAME WHILE YOU CAN, being an adult can really cramp your gaming style! So in the words of my great brother-in-law Jason, when he asks, "What you doin?" I can proudly answer "Beatin' Games!"

Much peace and love,

From the desk of the Gotham City Gazette this is Dustin signing off!

p.s. please follow me on twitter @DJUnderPressure, Thanks!

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