Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Batman: Villain Profile: "The Riddler"

Me with the first appearance of "The Riddler" this one was going for $1500!

Welcome to my first in a series of profiles in which I will tell you all about Villains that are in the DC Universe. So of course I'm going to start out with my favorite villain "The Riddler". Edward Nigma aka "The Riddler" is an adversary of many heroes in The DC Universe, most noteworthy would have to be his battles with Batman. The Riddler is obsessed with puzzles, riddles, and mind games to keep all of his adversaries at bay by sending them complex clues to his crimes. He is usually seen, in both comics and televsion, wearing a domino mask and a bowler hat, usually dressing in all green and most of the time carrying a question mark cane. Though he usually is seen as a villain, The Riddler hardly ever committed any violent or deadly crimes and feeds on the thrill of the chase rather then the devestation that villains like "The Joker" love to leave in their wake. Also in the last few years "The Riddler" has been seen as a detective on par with the likes of "The Batman" and recently opened his own detective agency.

Search for "Detective Comics #140" on Ebay by clicking here!

The first appearance of "The Riddler" happens in "Detective Comics #140" which was released  in October of 1948. However he basically disappeared from the "Batman" Universe until "Batman #171" where he is released from prison and goes on a rampage trying to discredit Batman and Robin.

Search for "Batman #171" on Ebay by clicking Here!

Though I enjoy reading storylines in comics about "The Riddler" I prefer "The Riddler" as he is portrayed in the 1990's series, "Batman: The Animated Series". I think this version best shows the genius that is "The Riddler". Plus the voice acting by John Glover is perfect.

Buy "Batman: The Animated Series" on Ebay here or on Amazon here!
Also read more about "Batman: The Animated Series" here!

Read more about the 1960's "Batman" here and purchase the show on DVD here!

Other great versions of "The Riddler" were of course in the 1960's television series where "The Riddler" was played by Frank Gorshin and of course 1995's "Batman Forever" where "The Riddler" is played by Jim Carrey. There are plenty of rumors going on about who the villains will be for the next Batman film, the sequel to 2008's "The Dark Knight", but most are saying that "The Riddler" will be back. Though rumors run wild on the internet I have heard that "The Riddler" would be played by anyone from Johnny Depp to Ryan Reynolds, so I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Read more about "Batman: Forever" here and buy it on DVD here!

I have only scratched the surface of the man that is known as "The Riddler", I think this gives readers a bit of good information to know without spending hours on Wikepedia reading about him. "The Riddler" is my favorite villain and I hope after reading this people will want to read about him in comics, watch him being portrayed on the small screen, and making big waves on the big screen!
Please read more about "The Riddler" by checking on Wikepdia here!

Thank you for reading,

From the desk of "The Gotham City Gazette" this is Dustin signing off!
P.S.Please be my facebook friend by clicking  here!
Try your hand at solving "The Riddler's" riddles at an awesome flash website here!

Commission piece of "The Riddler" done by amazing artist Rob Granito just for me! Please visit Rob's website here and be his Facebook friend here!

1 Leave a Comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob Granito is a fraud, fyi
