Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome to "The Gotham City Gazette"

Hello and welcome to "The Gotham City Gazette". My name is Dustin and I have decided to finally sit down to do a blog about alot of the subjects that I have passion for. If you know me than your already aware and if you don't just from reading my blog you will realize that I have alot of different interests and I am picking up new interests all the time. My problem is that I don't like to get rid of one hobby just to start another. I like to just collect them all so, needless to say I have acquired quite a few in my days. So, as an outlet about all the cool things that I love in my life I've decided to start a blog to chronicle my interests and hopefull inform some people about all the things that make me tick.

My blog will have at least three new blog entries per week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in-which I will share different things that are happening in my nerd's world. So, I will be blogging about Comics, Video Games, Juggling, Pop Culture, Magazines, Legos, Movies and a little bit of everything in-between. I will be reviewing all the comics I read on new comic book day, reviewing video games, chronicling new Lego projects, and keeping this blog update with lots of cool things going on in my life.

So without further ado welcome to "The Gotham City Gazette". Hope everyone will enjoy reading it as much as I'm going to enjoy doing it.

Much Love,

"The Boy Wonder" - Dustin

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