Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Comic Book Day, February 24, 2010, Reviews

Welcome to new comic book day February 24, 2010 review by your friendly neighborhood nerd. Again all reviews are stricly opinion and I encourage you to go read the books yourself and leave some feedback in the comment box. Thank you and enjoy!

*Pick Of The Week*
"Blackest Night: Black Lantern: Green Arrow" #30
Nekron is in control of the Green Arrow, sharing his secret thoughts, telling the truth about things long past, and using the real Green Arrows memory to alienate him from his family and other heroes. Can the Green Arrow be saved?

It is of public knowledge that I am not a fan of the Green Lantern, however I have read several of the spin-offs to "Blackest Night" and have been pleasantly suprised. So when I saw that Green Arrow would be in this book I had to give it a chance. Thank the comic gods for taking chances, this book was stellar. I found myself reading faster then I should and then re-reading. This is plain and simple a perfect book in my eyes and it has me wanting to read on into the "Blackest Night" universe. Go to your comic book shop and get this book NOW! Easily my pick of the week!
5 out of 5 stars!
Buy this book on EBAY by clicking HERE!

"The Walking Dead" #70
Has salavation finally come for Rick and his group? Possibly but, it all seems a little fishy when they find themselves in a situation that really does seem too good to be true. What is really going on and why does this place seem so "Perfect" only time will tell!

As always great illustrations, definitely the best black and white comic on the market. Also, more dialogue in this book than usually seen in "Walking Dead", but it was appropriate and didn't slow don't the flow of the book. I enjoyed it very much! Also, a big suprise at the end of the book in the letter section that will have "Walking Dead" fans scouring the internet for more information!
4 out of 5 Stars!
Buy this book from EBAY by clicking: HERE! 

"Gotham City Sirens" #9
The three vixens are in need of help from a friend who is a great detective and has a knack for "riddles". Who would want to frame the girls and who is this mystery dead body that ends up at their hideout?

I'm always a sucker for a book with The Riddler on the cover the book had me from that moment. Unfortunately so far the story is a little lack luster and hopefully it will pick up steam being that this is the first comic in this story arc. The illustrations are great and the book is definitely worth checking out.
3 out of 5 Stars!
Pick this book up on EBAY by clicking: HERE! 

"Batman and Robin" #9
A lazerus pit, a believed Bruce Wayne with an accent, and a Batwoman tie in makes for a pretty interesting story! Is Bruce Wayne back? Why would he have an accent? What happens to Damien and Alfred? Check out this book for some answers and suprises.

This book for me is similar to "Batman: Confidential" the coupling of the art with simple story telling does take itself very seriously and it makes the book alot of fun to read. As a book penned by the great Grant Morrison the story is top notch and a thrill to read. Pick this one up today!
4 out of 5 stars!
Buy this book on EBAY by clicking HERE!

Here's hoping that your new comic book day for this week was filled with as many great titles as mine.

From the pages of the "Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
Signing off!

Want to debate my reviews contact me by adding me on twitter @CloverComics or hit me up by becoming a fan of Clover Comics on Facebook HERE!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Hero Initiative

Hello everyone and welcome back to "The Clover Comics Gazette"! I know it's been a while and I've been slacking, but don't worry I'm back for you Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, giving you all the nerd news you need to know. It's a Nerd's World everyone else is just living in it!

Now my first blog back is going to be about a cause that is very near and dear to my heart and that cause is the Hero Initiative. Haven't heard of them? Well you will now! Now the Hero Initiative is meant to help support comic creators with health, medical, and quality-of-life assistance. Why would the Hero Initiative have to do this? Well unfortunately early comic book creators (ie: inkers, artists, writers) were often paid little to nothing for their work and were not able to have rights to the creations that made mass amounts of money since being created so many years ago. Personally I feel, and I know most comic book lovers feel, that creators deserve to be paid for the things that comic book consumers love so much. That would be like a "Batman" comic without "Created By: Bob Kane" noted in the book, it is just not right!

Please follow the "Hero Initiative" on Twitter by clicking HERE!

Here is another great thing about the Hero Initiative, they have found a niche' that alot of charities have yet to grasp and that is a gift for a donation. Though myself or alot people don't need a gift in return for a donation and feel that the causes "Thank You" is more gift then we would ever need; the case is that with so many charities a little incentive goes a long way. I myself now have a great rubber bracelet that was given to me to go along with my donation!

Please join the "Hero Initiative" Facebook group by clicking HERE!

My goal this year is to think more about others and not be as selfish as I have been in the past. Now for me I have a couple of causes that I really support and this happens to be one of them. I try to imagine one of my favorite artists "Jim Lee" not being paid for being one of the most acclaimed artists of all time; why would I want the creators of one of my favorite hobbies to go without their recognition? I wouldn't!

Do you want information about how to help please visit the "Hero Initiative" website by clicking HERE!

Great Video About The "Hero Initiative"

Believe me I understand money is tight, however if you are a comic book lover it really doesn't make sense to not go without $5 bucks to ensure that the pioneers of an industry that we love so much can be taken care of.

Now with that said, besides donation you could volunteer at one of their auctions, they are usually at every comic book convention, you could support them by joining their group on Facebook, and you can tell your friends about it. I didn't know about this charity until about a year ago and I'm proud to say that I help support them!

Much love from the desk of "The Clover Comics Gazette":

This is "The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure signing off!

Great links below, please check them out!

Please DJ Under Pressure on twitter: @CloverComics

Fan me on Facebook here: Clover Comics

Also, to read more about the "Hero Initiative" please visit their Wikipedia page HERE!