Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 "Clover Comics Gazette" comic book reviews!

Hello and welcome back to the desk of
 "The Clover Comics Gazette"
this is Dustin your main writer wishing everyone a happy "New Comic Book Day" it was an amazing N.C.B.D. this week and I have my five pull-list books to share with you today! Thanks so much to everyone for reading and viewing my youtube videos, very nice to see views and comments for all of my hard work. Enjoy!

"Superman / Batman" #72
Writen By: Paul Levitz
Artist: Jerry Ordway
Cover By: Fabrizio Fiorentino

With Superman out saving the world Bruce is left to try to pull Clark Kent's main squeeze out of the fire. Superman may feel responsible foro saving the whole Universe, but will that desire destroy Superman/Clark Kent's reason to l,ive? Lex Luther is up to his old tricks again and a group of monks just may reenact the "Salem Witch Trials" with Lois.

Review: This book for me is a pull list drop; I've finally decided to do it. The story by Levitz and illustrations by Fabrizio are well done, unfortunately for me this book has gone too far away from the Dark Knight and made Superman the main event. The stories are too focused on Superman and make Batman look like a side kick. If Superman is your favorite this is the right series for you, but if you like living in Gotham then don't bother!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

2 out of 5!


"Batman: Streets of Gotham" #12
Written By: Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, and Derek Fridoffs
Illustrated by: Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridoffs

 Batman becomes a side not as a tale is wound around "The Carpenter" a young lady who designs secret hideouts for all the most shady of Gotham. Mysterious antagonist, The Broker, has plans to have the carpenter create elaborate traps and video surveillance to record the death of heroes, but she may be designing her own fate as well. Among other things does Damian actually have a heart for the person who saved his life?

We have two well known creators working on the year anniversary monthly of this fairly new Batman series. With Dini and Nguyen working on both sides of the playing field this story would be hard pressed to fail. Add in the proposition that the namesake, Batman, barely makes a cover appearance and the story still stands up. Stories like this is something only legendary creators can pull off! Can't wait to get the final part of this. Go grab it NOW!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5!


"Azrael" #8
Written By Fabian Nicieza
Illustrated by: Ramon Bachs and John Stanisci

Michael Lane might not have know it at the time, but his faith at an early age, coupled with a trip to the Gotham City Museum of Natural History foretells his future as Azrael. Cryptic messages and a guiding hand from a "White Ghost" weave a "Divinci Code" esque store which leads you to believe that Michael's "Faith" may be the sin that dooms Azrael.

This book for me is one of my favorites, it definitely has a lot of critics and I think that helps me appreciate it even more for what it is. For only being 8 issues old the story is well developed and intriguing. Though a character I knew very little of from his connection to the Batman Universe, this storyline is in depth but simple to under stand. Great book, great time to jump on board!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5!


"Zatanna" #1
Written By: Paul Dini
Cover By: Stephane Roux

Zatanna #1 follows the journey of "Stage Magician Zatanna" to the Zatanna who deals with things beyond the scope of reality. A friendly cop who is in way over his head will need the help of Zatanna to have any hope of finding the responsible parties for a mass murder. Brother Night has been shut down by Zatanna, so it may take some digging to get far enough into the underworld to find help!

Paul Dini again outdoes himself with this first issue of Zatanna and it's so nice of him to swing for the fence. Stephane Roux illustrates Zatanna perfectly and tastefully to complimen tthe background images. The story itself reminds me of "Charmed" where you have the supernatural character linked to a mortal who is left to explain situations that the truth can not reveal. Couldn't ask for anything more from a number one! Go Grab This, great series ahead, all aboard!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5!


"The Walking Dead" #72
written by: Robert Kirkman

The crew is finally starting to let their guard down in this new found paradise. However, Carl doesn't seem as keen, even as a boy, to let his guard down. Going back to normal life may be easier for some then others and the new sheriff in town might not be as excited about letting his guard down as he is making people think. Too good to be true is usually way too good especially dealing with "The Walking Dead".

As promised a month ago in "Walking Dead" #71 the group at Image is back on schedule. This book being the only non-DC book I'm reading at the moment it is refreshing take to the huge budget of any Marvel or DC comic. The writers, illustrators, and editors make it easy to realize why this book is so popular. It feels like all of the work is done just for the fans and like the crew is your friend and not your bookie. Along with a surpise mention of the new AMC orginal for "Walking Dead" due out sometime this year. The book tells a great indepth story even without slamming each page with a mass amount of text. This book is amazing, definitely one of my top three favorite titles!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5!

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read my blog and check out my videos! If you would like to write a guest blog, debate my scores, or inform me about a comic I should be reading please email me, Twitter @CCGNerds, or Facebook CCGNerdNews.

My Video Reviews for this week, GO SUBSCRIBE NOW....Please!

Also this is the second week of doing video reviews so please stop by my Youtube page!

If you are looking for a comic book store in your area please click on:

From the desk of:

"The Clover Comics Gazette"

this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - Dj UnderPressure
signing off!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"The Clover Comics Gazette" Comic Book Reviews for May 12, 2010! "Return of Bruce Wayne"

Hello everyone and welcome back to "The Clover Comics Gazette" my name is Dustin aka "The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure and I will be reviewing six books for you this week. Great week for DC and finally "The Return of Bruce Wayne"!

"The Clover Comics Gazette" video reviews #1
Subscribe to my channel on CloverComicsGazetteVideo!

"First Wave" #2
Written By: Brian Azzarello
Illustrated by: Rags Morales

The Golden Tree bears bitter fruit! The Blackhawks are after The Spirit. Doc Savage is after the Blackhawks. Anton Colossi is after William "Johnny" Littlejohn. And only Rima, the eyes of the jungle, knows what the heroes do not: something glorious and terrible has risen in the darkest corner of Hida`lgo!

Brian Azzarello as the writer along with Rags Morales are able to move forward with this new series in it's second of six parts. In #2 you see the first appearance of "The Caped Crusader" which was a big hit for me. The story needs so much background information that it is taking a few issues to get the ball rolling fast. For a second part it adds to the base that #1 started and hopefully will pick up from here!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

3 out of 5


"The Flash" #2
Written by: Geoff Johns
Illustrated by: Francis Manupul w/Joel Gomez

The rogues are back in time to arrest "The Flash" for a murder that, the rogues, imply he is yet to commit. The Rogues from the future claim to be heroes, while the Rogues from the present are assisting Captain Boomerang with another escape from jail. It seems that when it rains it pours with Flash a criminal in the future and Barry Allen seemingly framed for murder in the present, the only direction from where Barry/Flash can go from here is up!

As a rule I don't read comics with heroes that have powers, however Geoff Johns proves his legend by writing for Flash and Barry Allen, making him feel more human to me. The story art by Manupul is as detailed as simple can be and the art doesn't feel forced. This books provide a lost art of the illustrations assisting a stand alone great title just from the writing. I would say if you haven't read the Flash now would be a great time to start. Go pick up number one, get the free flash ring, and then grab number two. Both are easy, great, informative stories.

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5

"Batgirl" #10
Written By: Bryan Q Miller
Cover By: Stanley Lau

Our new Batgirl and former Batgirl, the Oracle, have found themselves painted in a corner against "The Calculator". The Calculator knows the face of the Oracle and her protecting his daughter only fuels his fire to destroy her. Using technology to turn everyone into zombies the Calculater is adding up to be a fierce adversary.

No secret that this is one of my favorite books out right now! The writing has been stellar and fresh along with the covers by Stanley Lau this book is working hard to stay on everyone's pull list. The connection of Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon is a constant passing of the torch that is not often seen between present and former heroes. Bryan Miller's writing still is extremely witty without taking away the tension of danger, which I feel is the only true way to write a Batman book. I think this story is getting stronger by the months and holds its own in a week where DC has all of their guns blazing. Pick this one up!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5

"Batman" #699
Written and Cover Art by: Tony Daniel
Illustrated by: Guillem March

The Riddler, Firefly, and Mr. Blackspell weave a tail of numerous ends to the same story. Did the Riddler pull the wool over Batman's eyes and who would want both Batman and his adversaries dead? Gotta read to find out!

Tony Allen delivers once again as he writes and cover arts a story that feels like it's straight out of a Detective Comic from the 50s. I found myself as confused as Batman with no idea who to truly point the finger at. The art by Guillem March is so well done again, I don't feel let down by the fact that Tony Daniel didn't do the story art.

The use of Arkham Asylum as if it were an actual living being provides an almost live theater effect to the book. Along with great backstory for Firefly and a mystery that feels as if it is just getting started this book is amazing and probably on any other given week would be my top pick. This is a must buy!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5


"Brightest Day:" "Birds of Prey" #1
Written by: Gail Simone
Illustrated by: Ed Benes

The birds are back and a new enemy will stop at nothing to bring them all together and take them out in one swoop. The bases are all covered with Black Canary, Huntress, Hawk, Dove, and even a flightless Batman nemesis makes an appearance. This new enemy is revealed but, why does she want the birds defeated and who is she? Only time will tell!

For me it feels like in the DC Universe does an amazing job at servicing the fans by taking a known group and making them new again. This is helped greatly by writer Gail Simone with the addition of a new enemy that, with alot of DC characters, can only mean a long detailed back story.

Ed Benes does an incredible job of drawing all of the bombshells in a single book while giving each one their moment in the spotlight. So happy to see this series back cause it gives me hope that eventually both NightWing and Robin with regain their own series. This being the #1 I would say go grab it now, I love number 1s, it feels great to start at the beginning! Add this to your pull list today!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5


Pick Of The Week:

Wait for it..............NOW!

"Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne" #1
Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Chris Sprouse
Cover: Chris Sprouse and Andy Kubert

Guess who is back.........................?
For the first time in months the fog has moved aside and all the assumptions and guesses, for the readers anyway, are fulfilled. The Batman is stuck in time! Caveman days find Bruce reveared by some as a God and by others a creation that can only be an enemy. Does Bruce know where, how, why, when he is? With some of the Justice League following his trail of breadcrumbs what will happen next? Til number 2 we are all in the dark!

All I can really say is THE BAT IS BACK! Man it feels like forever since I've seen the true lord of the cowl, but I know we are far away from the end of the tunnel and the mantle of the Bat back to its true owner. Grant Morrison is amazing in this story it's witty and throw funny references to the Bat Universe that make you laugh just enough to take the edge off the story. Alot of amazing artists used in this book so far; including partial cover art by Andy Kubert. I hope this collaboration between many minds continues to help convey Morrison's epic like resurrection of Bruce Wayne.

Two variant covers are offered for this book one being a 1/35 and the other being a 1/200 I would say get the 1/200 CGC it and hold on to it. Story is epic and just counting the days til the next one, the return hasn't disappointed me one bit!

"Clover Comics Gazette"
gives "The Pick of the Week" an easy

5 out of 5


Wow what an epic week in the DC Universe, completely exhausted from all the greatness bestowed upon me. I think everything is falling in to place for a knock down drag out brawl between the cities of Gotham and Star and I love a competition!

If you would like to write a guest blog, debate my reviews, or tell me all about a new book I have to start reading please email me, Twitter @CCGNerdNews, or on Facebook CCGNerdNews.

Also please stop by my Youtube page CloverComicsGazetteVideo and check out my video reviews, news, and everything else for the nerdy side of Pop Culture.

Thanks so much for reading and I will see you next week!

From the desk of:

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure

Signing OFF!

P.S. To find a comic book store in your area please click: Comic Store Locator!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"The Clover Comics Gazette" comic book reviews for Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new week of comic book reviews coming to you from "The Clover Comics Gazette"! First of all I will address the fact that there were no reviews for last week. All I can say is that I apologize to any readers and mistakes on my part created consequences that prohibited me from posting my reviews. Now I would love to correct that and do last weeks reviews this week; however in a "Nerd's World" the attention span is only long enough to hold until the next cool thing comes along! So with that said let's go ahead and jump head-long into this weeks reviews!

"Batman: Confidential" #44
Written by: Kevin Vanhook
Art and Cover by: Tom Mandrake

In this first part of "Batman Vs. The Undead" Batman finds himself in "The Big Easy" for business, unfortunately business does not always turn in to pleasure. In a area steeped in tradition for "Voodoo" Batman might need the help of an "Undead" to fight the threat of a Voodoo spell that is bringing the dead to life.

This book for me has been a struggle to read each month, which you can definitely see in the last few reviews for this book, luckily a new team of writers and illustrators just may save this comic from being executed from my pull list! A story by Kevin Vanhook which removes the always present character of "Gotham City" by uprooting and moving to an actual city, New Orleans, and setting Batman out of his element. With Tom Mandrake doing both the cover and the story art; the combination of writer and artist make this series fun again.

The story centered around the "Voodoo" culture and the undead is a welcome fresh fiction story that grips you right away and drags you through the comic wanting more pages at the end. First in a new story line, new life from new professionals, and a great story puts me back on the "Batman Confidential" band wagon.

Pick this one up today!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
happily gives it:

4 out of 5 Stars!


"JSA: All-Stars" #6
Written by: Matthew Sturges
Art and Cover by: Freddie E. Williams II

A spell from the unknown sorceress back fires and brings the evil of another planet to the "JSA". A seemingly already defeated foe returns and a betrayal at "Star Girls" expense could lead to all of their demise.

This is the conclusion of the "Constellations" story-arc and this ending does not disappoint. The story by Matthew Sturges with art by Freddie E. Williams II bring an exciting end to a title, JSA Allstars, which is only six issues old. The story blends multiple stories together and shifts them in line with one another at the perfect time. Tons of DC heroes drawn perfectly by Williams and jump off of the page. Everything about this book is a page turner and I'm super excited to see what is coming in #7.

Go get this book today and while your at it grab the first six as well!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5 Stars!


"Red Robin" #12
Written By: Christopher Yost
Art & Cover by: Marcus To and Ray McCarthy

The last time we saw the "Red Robin" he had realized that "Rhas al Ghul" had his sights set on anyone, directly or indirectly, connected to Tim Drake. This in turn leads to a confrontation between the hero and villain which could end in disaster. Will his friends be saved, can he save himself, what are Rhas' big goals for the Red Robin, and where is Bruce?

Wow it is incredible to see that "Red Robin" is already a year old this month. Twelve awesome volumes that are able to connect and not imitate the partner books of "Batman and Robin" and "Batgirl". The combination of To and McCarthy have outdone themselves with another great cover. I am always a huge fan of heroes in trouble on the cover. Rhas al Ghul and Tim Drake make perfect writing gold for Chris Yost and raise questions in my mind that makes me want to learn more. This book is a stand alone sensation that raises as many questions as an episode of "Lost", but gives you just enough to keep you running to the newstand to find out what's next. Definitely a buy this week and the first 11 are worth a look as well!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5 Stars!


"Batman and Robin" #12
Written by: Grant Morrison
Art & Cover by: Andy Clarke, Scott Hanna, Dustin Nguyen, Alex Sinclair, Patrick Brosseau, and Frank Quitely

Last time we saw our heroes Damian under mind control was trying to take out Dick Grayson! Damian being the catalyst of a war between his mother and Dick Grayson: could blow up in both Batman and Robin's faces. Is Bruce really trapped in the past and who is the mystery man that has been helping Batman and Robin, all is revealed in this year anniversary of  "Batman and Robin" appropriately titled "Batman VS. Robin!

For part three of a story arc and the year anniversary of this book out of the shadows clears my decision to say that this book is amazing. Grant Morrison has an amazing writing style for this book and he makes it feel just like old "silver age" style detective mysteries that feeds the story without overbearing the action. Also the use of so many different comic professionals working on the same story I feel can only raise competition between employees and fans of the series reap the benefits. This book is everything I love about comic books, third part in the story, so go pick them all up right now,  you will not be disappointed!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5 Stars

Big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to stop by and read my reviews. I'm definitely working extremely hard and I would love to hear what everyone thinks in a constructive manner!

If you would like to debate my reivews, guest blog, or suggest a blog topic please email me:, follow me on Twitter @CCGNerdNews, or "like" my Facebook page:!

Also a couple of big news things that will be happening at "The Clover Comics Gazette"!! First of all we now have a Youtube account and you can find us at:! Then construction is about to begin on "The Clover Comics Gazette" website: COMING IN JUNE! Finally, hopefully starting next week "The Clover Comics Gazette" will be doing a video blog along with the written reviews! So big things coming up this summer from "The Clover Comics Gazette" and we are working non-stop to bring you all the "Nerd" news you need to know!

From the desk of:
"The Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

P.S. Find a comic book store in your area by visiting:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Clover Comics Gazette" comic book reviews for Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to a new week of comic book reviews brought to you by "The Clover Comics Gazette". Only three books to review for you today so let's go ahead and get started!

"Superman / Batman #71"

Two super heroes to go along with two villains, caught in a battle in the vastness of space! With a space ship headed for Earth and more specifically towards Metropolis can these two heroes avert disaster on Earth while saving themselves?

This is the fourth part in the "Casualties of War" story arc for "Superman / Batman" and for myself as a monthly reader of the book, this one continues to not impress me. This series is one of the first comics I picked back up after returning to the love of comic books and easily became one of my favorites. Unfortunately it feels like the stories are tired and the effort is no longer there for this series.

The writing by Joe Casey paints an interesting picture of the relationship between Superman and Batman; a relationship that is great for team work and horrible for mind set about the world and humans. The team up between the two heroes has definitely been interesting, however it feels like the story is mostly about SUPERMAN and less about litte old Batman. The franchise here is tired and I am actually considering stopping my subscription to it. This one is a pass.

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it

2 out of 5!

"Azrael #7"

Michael Lane aka Azrael is spread pretty thin dealing with two seperate lives. Michael having to deal with being an ex-cop who is ordered to see a shrink who may not be who she says she is, is making Azrael a better choice than Michael's real life. Azrael and Michael are coming to terms with the fact that no one can really understand what he is going through and that only escalates the crack in his mind that may be driving him insane!

If you have read multiple opinions about this book you will probably find alot of negative feedback, however in my opinion this book is definitely worth a try so that you can judge yourself. For a book that is only seven issues old in its new reincarnation I think the book has constantly delivered. Michael Lane is a great fit for Azrael and it's nice to see the occurences of an "Every Man" who is chosen to carry a heavy burden. The story is a great mix of history and present; and the lore of "Azrael" is written to not be that overwhelming.

The cover art by Francesco Mattina is in your face and brilliant to look at. The story written by Fabian Nicieza is interesting and well informed. Though the story art is a bit lack luster the story by Fabian does more than the lion's share to keep the story going. I would say bump the critics and give this book a try, you might find you disagree with the masses. Only seven issues so definitely a great time to jump on board!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

3 out of 5!


Pick of the Week!

"Batman: Streets of Gotham #11"
To find out more about Dustin Nguyen you can click the picture above!
Zsasz continues his killer ways always looking to add another mark to his skin to signify another kill. An unlikely hero with a , let's just say, SPLIT personality may be the help that Batman and Robin need to deal with super villain Zsasz this time around. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and Dick Grayson is finding that out the hard way. Though it won't get any easier with Damian running around as "The Boy Wonder" with an appetite for violence.

The story by legend Paul Dini does a great job of taking a small subject and making a great story. Always nice to see, not well known, Batman villain Zsasz back on the loose after his appearance in the "Arkham Asylum" video game from 2009. This story above all the others definitely does a great job showing the uncertainty of Dick Grayson and him feeling not up to the mantle of "THE BATMAN". Of course Dustin Nguyen is one of my favorite illustrators and has provided yet another great cover to this series. Unfortunately it feels like DC is kind of grasping at straws right now and impatiently waiting for "The Return of Bruce Wayne". This series is still very young and with the help of Paul Dini writing the stories that can only help. Out of the Batman books this week, this one is the definite buy!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5!

To find out more about writer Paul Dini please follow him on Twitter: @Paul_Dini or on his Facebook: "Paul Dini Facebook" 

Definitely a small week for my comics pull list and very similar to the same let down I've been having with the third Wednesday of every month. So needless to say I'm ready for "The Return of Bruce Wayne" and great stories each and every week!

You can visit the official "Eaglemoss" website by clicking the photo above!

This week however did bring a new Eaglemoss brand lead figure from the DC collection. This weeks was "Huntress"! Definitely for an affordable collection these lead figures are a great choice. Hand painted and include a book detailing the history; past, present, and future of each character. At right around $15.00 a pop you can't go wrong with these!

If you would like to guest blog, debate, or discuss anything please feel free to email me, Twitter follow me: @CCGNerdNews or reach me on Facebook: Clover Comics Gazette!

For the:

"Gotham City Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

P.S. If you want any of the items you saw today please find a store in your area by visiting:

"Comic Shop Locator!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What an amazing week: Comic Book Reviews for April 14, 2010!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another week of comic book reviews from "The Clover Comics Gazette!" Thank you so much for reading and I have four amazing books to review for Wednesday, April 14, 2010, so let's get to it!

"Brightest Day: Flash #1"

The Flash aka Barry Allen is out of witness protection and back on the police force in Star City! Things have changed in the police force since Barry's departure and return; and results are the only things that matter now. Trickster and the Rogues are back in town to go along with a mysterious dead body and a visit from "the law" of the future. The Flash is back and in a whole heap of trouble!
To learn more about Geoff Johns you can follow him on twitter by clicking the "Flash Ring" picture above! Visit his unofficial fan page HERE! Or his website HERE!

Obviously I'm not a huge fan of the Flash or of any super hero with powers. However I decided to give this one a shot and it was nice to receive a free Flash Ring to go with my purchase. Needless to say I was pleasantly suprised by the book and amazingly shocked to be looking forward to #2. Obviously you have industry legend Geoff Johns penning a story that is gripping, gritty, and real in a fictional environment. For someone like myself who enjoys more vigilante style stories, Flash #1 isn't too far above my liking! Cover by Tony Harris is in your face and keeps the main character in the forefront along with story art by Francis Manapul fits perfectly with Johns writing style. Manapul has amazing full page art that reminds me of Freddie Williams II's work on Flash in 2008 and 2009.

I would say definitely pick this one up, even if your not a fan of the Flash.

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:
4 out of 5!


"Batgirl #9"
Follow cover artist Stanley Lau on Twitter by clicking the cover art above!
Batgirl aka Stephanie Brown is tasked with saving a train full of passengers from an unknown villain who has a bomb strapped to his chest! Luckily Batgirl has the help of Barbara Gordon aka Oracle to swing the advantage in Batgirl's favor. "The Calcultor" is back and is using some kind of mind control to take over the citizens of Gotham. "The Calculator" has plans to "log off" Oracle for good, can Batgirl save the day, and what do the Calculator's son and daughter have to do with it?

Both in the first nine issues of "Batgirl" and the change to "Batwoman: Detective Comics" DC has done a great job of filling the DCU with lots of strong female characters to take away from the countdown til the "Return of Bruce Wayne". In this next volume of Batgirl played by Stephanie Brown it's such a great progression from her being "The Spoiler" to now being "Batgirl" add in the fan favorite of the Oracle and you have  yourself a winner.

The story written by Bryan Q. Miller is the first part in a four part story arc and he does a great job with entering tons of new information while staying true to the lore of "Batgirl". The Cover art by Stanley Lau is amazingly beautiful and looks more like a photograph rather than a drawing. The story art by Lee Garbett, Jonathan Glapion, and Richard Friend; does a great job of including a vast amount of art detail, while craming as many panes of story as possible on each page. Great story, great art, definitely pick this one up! First of a four part story arc, so it's a great time to jump on in!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

4 out of 5!


"Batman #698"
Please follow story art artist Guillem March's blog by clicking the cover art above!

The weight and stress of wearing the cowl is wearing thin for our Batman step-in Dick Grayson. To go along with that a copy cat killer is loose in Gotham and while Batman seems baffled he is being out done by none other than "The Riddler" going by Edward Nigma now. With no clue, has Batman come to a case he can't solve and has his best ally fallen victim to the copy cat killer?

Very interesting story, as someone looking in from the outside, to see the stress that comes with stepping in as "Batman". One of my new favorite comic book professionals, Tony Daniel, pens the story and drew the cover of a book that simply sits you right inside of the boots of Dick Grayson. Guillem March does the inside art which is provocative and interesting and keeps the story moving. With the addition of my favorite villain "The Riddler" this story is engrossing and compelling. The great part is; it's only the first part in the story arc. The cover art displays a "Reformed Riddler" who really doesn't seem reformed at all, his eyes tell the whole story. Great read, great author, great illustrations, definitely pick up this first part today!

"Gotham City Gazette"
gives it:

5 out of 5!

Please follow Tony Daniel's blog by clicking HERE!



"Rise and Fall: The Fall of: Green Arrow #32"

Green Arrow may have fought his last fight as the Emerald Archer as a murder charge takes him from hero to zero. Unmasked and alone Oliver McQueen is set to face the angered citizens and law of "Star City". Has "Star City" set it's fate in motion by imprisoning a hero that has protected them for so long, all the while just recovering from their city being completely destroyed? Only time will tell but, one thing is for sure, "Star City" will never be the same again!

Though I love comics and they are such a great escape for me I usually don't become too emotionally involved in fictional stories. However this story really gets my blood pumping. This story emphasizes every reason why I have a complete dis-taste by the genetically altered heroes and a complete love for the more vigilante side of justice. J.T. Krul has done a great job writing the stories for "Green Arrow" and this books takes the cake. The book makes you feel the shame and disappointment that comes with being a hero on the wrong side of the law. To be so alone that not only your friends and other heroes but, your wife doesn't even want to associate with you. One of the best stories I've read all year.

The cover by Mauro Cascioli is well drawn as far as Green Arrow is concerned, I however dislike the fact that a "Lantern" is on the front cover. I personally have no definition of any Lanterns that says Hero, they are a sad excuse for heroes and you might as well lump Flash and Black Canary in there as well. For them to turn your back when things get rough is something that only a super hero would do, not a vigilante.

Great story and a must read, if you can only get one comic this week this is the one!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
easily gives it:

5 out of 5!
Please follow writer J.T.Krul on twitter @JTKrul or fan him on Facebook HERE!


All I can say is that it has been a great week in comics and I find myself looking more and more forward to each and every Wednesday! Come on everyone go read DC books they are the real stories!

For the:

"Clover Comics Gazette"

this is:
"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure
signing off!

Do you want to write a guest blog or debate my reviews please email me, follow me on Twitter @CCGNerdNews, or fan me on Facebook by clicking HERE!

If you would like to find a comic book shop in your area please visit: Comic Shop Locator!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Comic Book Day Reviews for April 7, 2010

Hello everyone and thank you for reading the "Clover Comics Gazette"! I'm a little late this week on my reviews but, I have four books to review for you today and I hope you enjoy!

"Batman: Confidential #43"

If your marked to die by greater forces than yourself is there any way to cheat that fate? Can Batman save the girl while protecting everyone else? Batman's emotions may get the better of him this time, but you will have to read to find out in the conclusion of the "Ghosts" storyline.

Quite frankly I'm very relieved to see the end of this storyline and hopefully the end of this style of illustration in one of my favorite books. Though I have to say that out of all of the comics in this storyline #43 is by far the best. Though I still disliked the illustrations the story is actually gripping at the end. Interesting concept and was a nice conclusion to the story line. So Sam Kieth is able to deliver this time for me, though I hope this is the end of his run on "Batman: Confidential"

If your collecting the book I would say pick it up; just for the cover, put it down; and a jumping off point this won't take the cake. So glad it's the end, but it gets a better score than all the rest!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it:

3 out of 5

"Red Robin #11"

Packed with all the characters you love and all the ones that you love to hate this is an action packed ride through the third part  of a four part story arc. How long before the world knows of the imposter posing as Bruce Wayne and can Red Robin, Robin, and Batman protect all of their companions from falling to the great Rhas al Ghul? Going to have to read to find out, no one is safe this time!

This story is shaping up to have a blockbuster conclusion! The amount of Gotham City notables jammed into this story arc is incredible and Christopher Yost does a great job fitting them all in to his story. The cover by To and McCarthy highlights the three heroes and definitely makes you want to pick up the book! The story though heavy with thought boxes from all the various characters does not get in the way and is actually a pleasure to see inside their heads. This book has just been stellar and this is a definite must buy!

"Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it

4 out of 5

"JSA: Allstars #5"
You can follow Freddie E. Williams on twitter by clicking the photo above!

A mysterious woman by the name of Anna Fortune arrives in time to save the day using both her fighting skills and magic. The JSA are greatful but, concerned if this help will come at a price. Star Girl and Atom Smasher are in an unknown location and no tunnel of safety is in view, however the love between the two of them is easily visible. Anna Fortune tempts fate a bit too much and it looks like the JSA will suffer. Pick this book up today to find out the details!

Quickly becoming one of my favorite books "JSA: Allstars" is filled with twists and turns but, also keeps you on track. Lots of characters with lots of locations is worded perfectly by Matthew Sturges accompanied by always incredible artistry by Freddie E. Williams II. From Freddie's enthralling cover to the amazing life sized visuals inside, he never seems to lack in greatness.

Provocative and edgy this is turning into a great story line, though I suggest if you want to start reading this you start with #1. We are only on #5 so it is a great time to catch up! Pick this book up today!

"Clover Comics Gazette"
gives it

5 out of 5


The pick of the week is:

"Batman and Robin #11"

The story of the Wayne family tree gets increasingly full of branches in this latest book. Dick Grayson in Batman's place starts to discover more and more about the history of the Bat for the Wayne's. The lies start to unravel for this masked man who helps rescue Damian while Grayson is down in the crypt. Who is this masked man and how deep is the rabbit hole for the "Batman"? Read this book and find out more!

This book has all the things I love about Batman! The foreshadowing text on the cover that reads "The Return of Bruce Wayne Begins Here" is enough to get my heart racing. Along with the magnificent story telling of Grant Morrison who always seems leave his readers on the edge of a cliff. Just enough to keep you invested and have you building a time machine that will bring you to the release of the next chapter. The cover by Frank Quitely and Andy Clarke is simple and to the point, sometimes simple is better. Along with the inside illustrations by Andy Clarke and Scott Hanna that brings this amazing story to life.

Go get this book today and continue counting the seconds til "The Return of Bruce Wayne"!!!

"Clover Comics Gazette"
easily gives it:

5 out of 5

Another great week in the DCU and the time continues to tick away towards the "Return of Bruce Wayne", I can not wait to start reviewing those story arcs and I'm sure everyone else is just as excited. Thank you so much for reading and I will be back this Wednesday, April 14, 2010 with more comic reviews!

Do you want to guest blog, debate my reviews, or suggest a blog topic please feel free to email me at:, Twitter @CCGNerdNews, or on Facebook by clicking HERE!

Til next week this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - DJ Under Pressure

signing off!

P.S. to find a store in your area please visit:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Guest Blog #1: Kyle Willis writing about the life and times of Michael Turner

Hello everyone and welcome to The Clover Comics Gazette! This blog is the first in a number of guest bloggers. Kyle Willis is the guest blogger for today and a good friend of mine! Kyle Willis is an excellent artist and writer; which is not hard to believe with the article below. You can find Kyle Willis's facebook page HERE or his art fan page HERE!

The topic today is the life and times of legendary artist Michael Turner!

Read more about Michael Turner by visiting his Wikepida by clicking the picture above!

"When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In his youth Michael Turner had no reservations about being an artist of any kind. He appreciated art and was always doodling something or other, but his initial dream was to become a doctor in the footsteps of his stepfather. He attended the pre-med program at the University of Tennessee and while there he worked hard. Michael was a huge sports buff; adept at Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Golf and even basketball. He often traveled the country, Skiing in Aspen, Colorado and playing volleyball throughout the Western United States. He was also known to spend time winning awards in barefoot water skiing. After an injury on the road which brought him back to his Tennessee home, Turner decided that his dream of being a doctor was misguided and not a passion that was born to him. Turner and brother Jake relocated to California to see what the state had to offer them. Waiting tables for only a short time it didn't take long before Michael had a gig as a martial arts instructor. Turner was a master of Tai Chi Chuan, a centuries-old Chinese martial art form of self-defense. After an injury subdued Michael he could no longer instruct or wait tables-where he was flat on his back, so to speak-he focussed more on his drawing. His illustrations took a turn for the serious in this time and when he submitted some sketches to some of the major companies he was interested in it was Marc Silvestri's Top Cow Productions that responded. He was charged with the task of pencilling background illustrations on Silvestri's Cyber Force before finding his feet and co-creating Witchblade which he drew for two years. When he first arrived on the scene the first thing I noted about his style is just how much it reminded me of Silvestri, how fitting that he was discovered by someone with such similar skill.

Bid on this cover and many others by Michael Turner by clicking on the link above to take you to ebay!

Once signing on at Top Cow, Turner moved from San Diego to Los Angeles, rooming with fellow Top Cow artists such as Jason Gorder, Peter Steigerwald, D-Tron and Randy Queen who lit a fire under Turner's ass and he learned as much as he could from these inspiring cats. During his comic career Turner founded his own comic book publishing company, Aspen Comics. With more than one location his studio is responsible for the likes of Aspen, Ekos, Fathom and Soulfire among other popular titles. In a very small amount of time Michael Turner built for himself a small but stable empire within the comic book world that honors him by standing strong after his departure from this Earth. It didn't take long for the foreshadowing larger companies such as Marvel and DC to come calling at his doorstep. Turner was given the task of creating covers for titles the likes of DC's The Flash and Identity Crisis and contributed to Marvel's Wolverine: Origins and Ultimate Wolverine. Turner was even given the rights to NBC's Heroes for comic adaptation.

There are very few people I can summon to the forefront of my mind that I would dare say I would have wished a moment of their time before they had passed. Michael Turner is one of these very few. In June of 2008 the comic book industry lost one of the most fantastical artists the business had ever seen as Michael Turner succombed to the effects of the Bone Cancer which haunted him at the unfinished age of 37. Many people remember Turner as a comic icon and legend, but few realize how much more he truly was. He passed on the evening of opening day at Wizard World Chicago Convention and the next day a moment of silence was recognized in his memory and soon after Wizard edited their Millenium Edition of Michael Turner Art and renamed it "Tribute Edition". Michael Turner has been honored in many forms since his passing, a constant reminder that he will not be forgotten. Megan Fox is set to portray his character Fathom in an upcoming film adaptation of the title.
To learn more about how to get involved with research for chondrosarcoma, Michael Turner's form of cancer, please click on the photo above!

Turner’s battle with cancer was an inspiration to and for many. He fought it with a graceful ettiquette that truly showed his character. The artwork of Michael Turner is some of the best ever created in the comic book world. Thank you, Michael, for making our little nerdy world a much cooler place. You are sorely and undoubtedly missed.

-Kyle Willis

Great Tribute Video for "Michael Turner"

Hope you enjoyed the first Guest Blog done by Kyle Willis! If you would like to guest blog for me please either email me, Twitter: @CCGNerdNews, or Facebook: HERE!

"The Clover Comics Gazette"
this is:

"The Boy Wonder" - Dustin Evans

signing off!